

*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Friends and Colleagues,

What a day it was today- we made history with the VERY FIRST Virtual GIS Day in Connecticut GIS history! For those of you who were there to see it live, we witnessed some fantastic presentations, thought provoking discussion, and a great opportunity to share ideas and hear the latest news on the GIS front in the state. For those of you who unfortunately had to miss it, I am excited to say all is not lost!!! Each session was recorded and will be made available for you to watch on demand! For those of you who fought the struggle of which of the great sessions to attend, you can now go back and see what you missed in the other one! The link to see them will be publicized int he same manner as this e-mail.

I want to thank the following for their efforts in helping make Connecticut Virtual GIS Day a reality (in no particular order):

CCSU President Zulma Toro
CCSU Dean Robert Wolff
Dr. Charles Button - CCSU Geography Department Chair
Dr. Yunliang Meng - CCSU Geography Department
Dr. Xiaoping Shen - CCSU Geography Department
Dr. Cindy Pope - CCSU Geography Department
Christa Sterling - CCSU Continuing Education
Judy Ratcliffe - CCSU Continuing Education
Chad Valk - CCSU Media Center
Cary Chadwick - UConn
Matt Deal - ESRI
Larua Zajac - CHFA
Jennifer Petrario - Town of East Hartford
Rebecca Talamini - AppGeo
Mike Towle - WestCOG
Kenny Cousins - Cityworks
Greg Ostrinski - Burns & McDonnell
George Obeng - CT DOT
Alex DiMauro and the whole team at HB Live
Don Guzauckas Jr
Miriam Olivares
Adam Gallaher
Peter Chen
Aaron Adams
Dan Wickens
Emily Wilson
John Guszkowski
Cristin McCarthy-Vahey
Molly Schar
Meghan McGaffin
Erik Snowden
Eric Lindquist
William Toussaint
Daniel Czaja
Donna Hamzy
Gary Archambault
Greg Ciparelli
John Bailey
Mark Hoover
Stuart DeLand
William Youell
Erik Snowden
Jack Dougherty
Norman Garrick
Mike D'Amato
Keely Stater
Kelly McElwain
Tucker Beckett
Brian Hall
Caterina Massidda
Mark Langley
Justin Manville
Aaron Nash
Ji won Suh
William Ouimet
Tim Small
Dan Martin
Ramon Rodriguez-Santana
Nicholas Trabka
Yaprak Onat
Jeff Nolan
Ken Barrone
Samantha Dow
Jessica Mercier

See you next Year!


Thad J. Dymkowski, GISP
Connecticut Virtual GIS Day 2020 Chairperson
Instructor, Geography
Central Connecticut State University

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