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Greetings NEARC Community:

  1. Here is a new essay of mine making connections between GIS and Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives:  https://community.esri.com/t5/education-blog/connecting-gis-education-to-bloom-s-taxonomy/ba-p/1011891



  1. The Story Maps team at Esri created a "food story" collection about the people, places, and memories that bring us happiness and comfort—each with personal reflections and step-by-step cooking instructions. Feel free add your own memory to the food map.   https://arcg.is/1jeq1T     Warning – you might get hungry looking at this map!

Joseph Kerski


Joseph J. Kerski, Ph.D., GISP | Education Manager

Esri | 167 S. Taylor Avenue | Louisville CO 80027-3025 | USA 

T 909-369-8237 | M 303 625 3925 | [log in to unmask] | esri.com

https://esriurl.com/josephkerski https://twitter.com/josephkerski




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