

*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Good morning Friends and Colleagues!


Hoping you are shaking off the winter blanket provided this morning by Mother Nature! As you are sipping your coffee/tea/kombucha/chai/diet coke this morning, please mark your calendar 2 Fridays from now, March 5th, for the morning meeting of Connecticut GIS Network meeting. We will be offering up some great presentations that will hopefully provide you with information and inspiration for your own level of GIS greatness! It will include presentations on augmented reality for underground utilities, survey 123, and ArcGIS Pro. In addition, an update on the statewide GIS campaign will be given. This movement requires your support to come to fruition! Connection details coming in the next week- keep an eye on your e-mail! CONSIDER THIS YOUR FORMAL INVITATION TO ATTEND!


Also, we will hold elections for new steering committee members. WE WANT YOUR PARTICIPATION! WE WANT YOUR VOICE! The steering committee is the body of members that help keep the GIS Network alive and well. The roles they serve help with not only deciding on quarterly meeting content, but also the work to advise the State on GIS matters! I have been fortunate to spend several terms on the Steering Committee, and it is so rewarding to know that I am contributing and making a difference! With the statewide GIS initiative building momentum, the Steering Committee will become an integral part of the future of GIS at the State level! We want you to be a part of that. We want your input. We want your contributions. If you are in any of the positions where you can hold one of the specified seats on the Network Steering Committee, please let me know in advance. We have openings for:



The obligation is as much as you want to make. We meet each month via zoom for about an hour +/- to discuss pertinent matters. You can be a member of a sub-committee. You can help with planning GIS Day. You can help with social media. You can hold office as secretary or vice president. Without the Steering Committee, the Network would likely cease to exist and the past efforts of those who came before us would be lost. This is why it is so important for you to consider this opportunity! This is why it is so important for you to participate! This is why I am imploring you to please think about joining the Network Steering Committee. We want you!


Kind regards,



Thad J. Dymkowski, GISP

GIS Analyst

Municipal Representative of Connecticut GIS Network Steering Committee


Town of South Windsor

Town Hall Annex

1530 Sullivan Ave

South Windsor, CT 06074

Phone (860) 337-6161, ext. 1004

Fax (860) 644-6187


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