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Sharing this from our friends over the state line... Interesting tale of someone attempting to blur the lines between survey and GIS.


Thad J. Dymkowski, GISP
Instructor, Geography
Central Connecticut State University

From: GIS in New York discussion group. <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Joseph Elfelt <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, February 5, 2021 3:59 PM
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [GISNY-L] Shedding light on the boundary between GIS and land surveying

Please be cautious: **External Email**

The Vizaline company (http://www.vizaline.com/) produces reports for banks that include a Google aerial with *approximate* property lines.  A few years ago the survey board of Mississippi accused the company of surveying without a license.  Litigation commenced.

That litigation has now been settled with the survey board now agreeing that Vizaline is not doing any land surveying.  As part of the process of arriving at that settlement the board issued a declaratory order that will likely be of interest to anyone working in the geospatial field.  That order clarifies (at least within Mississippi) the kind of work that is and is not land surveying.  Below are links to 2  PDF files.

Declaratory order from Mississippi survey board:

Consent decree settling the litigation:

I have been following this case since I run a consulting service (https://findpropertylines.com) doing the same thing except my clients are individual property owners instead of banks.

I also posted a short twitter thread at

Joseph Elfelt

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