

The UConn Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) has two upcoming webinars<> that may interest you.

  *   This Wednesday, April 21 @1PM: The N-Sink Tool: Tracking Nitrogen Through Coastal Watersheds<> – Chet Arnold and Qian Lei-Parent will describe N-Sink, a new tool that identifies areas within a watershed that are likely to contribute nitrogen to coastal waters, and other areas that are likely to remove nitrogen from the system before it gets to the coast. The tool now covers all of the coastal watersheds of Connecticut and Rhode Island. This 30-minute webinar will describe the workings behind the tool, demonstrate the new N-Sink web app<>, and initiate a discussion on ways that the information might be used. Please register<>.

  *   Next Wednesday, April 28 @1PM: Best Practices in Balancing Land Use and Economic Development<> – Laura Brown, Sadie Colcord, and Kristen Gorski will present the Best Practices in Land Use and Economic Development Program, created by the Connecticut Economic Development Association and the Connecticut Chapter of the American Planning Association, and how to utilize the program as a tool for balancing economic development and planning. Please register<>.

Hope you can join us.

David Dickson
Extension<> Educator & NEMO<> Co-Director
UConn Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR)<>
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