

This is being sent to the 4-H Fair, Middlesex & New Haven 4-H Distribution Lists:


We are looking forward to having our first in person 4-H Fair meeting in over a year this Friday, May 7!  We will be starting at 6:30 AND we will be meeting at the fairgrounds in Durham.  At this moment, we are not sure which building we will be meeting in, but drive down to the area around the cow palace and it should be obvious at that time.  Please bring a chair or blanket to sit on.  Masks & social distancing is required – please do not bring food either. 


After several sessions discussing the current issues and guidelines/rules for gatherings, the FLC thought it would be wise to bring up some concerns about logistics for the 2021 fair. Some of these concerns include: other large scale public events are having to hire outside help at a substantial cost to help maintain proper health and safety regulations when it comes to cleaning, directing and contact tracing for the public. Although the ideal goal for us would be to have a full weekend fair it may not be logistically/financially possible to be open to the public and maintain the safety of our event. 


However that being said it is still important to make a plan that is feasible and fun for us to accomplish. There will be a brief subgroup session at the beginning of the fair meeting where we discuss the aspects of the fair most important to us. We encourage the youth that will be attending to come up with a short list of "must have" for the fair in order to help the planning discussion go more smoothly. 


Looking forward to seeing you all in person – Peggy & Emily