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Hi there CT GIS Network!

I just wanted to pass along some news regarding the GIS Bill to create a GIS Data Center, chances are looking good! It’s currently in the Governor’s Implementor Bill. It might even be voted on by the senate today (I heard, I’m not sure, and I’m sure there is someone out there with more details). Here is the Summary of the Implementor Bill for your reference.

So, if you are feeling strong about this bill feel free to call your senators.

On other news, the steering team is experimenting with some meeting notes/minutes. We had a mini steering meeting after the June Meeting (Great Network Meeting by the way, Shout out to David Cook and his team!🎉). You can find the draft minutes and notes on the public google drive.

May all your coordinates be accurate!

Mike Towle, WestCOG Deputy Director
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> | 475.323.2064

Michael Towle
Deputy Director, Western Connecticut Council of Governments
tel/fax 475-323-2064 · [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
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