

Hello Maine GeoLibrary Data Catalog Consumers,

The following changes have occurred to the Maine GeoLibrary data holdings in the past month:

Added to the Catalog
-Maine Town Points
-Maine State Boundary Line
-Maine State Boundary Polygon

-Maine E911 Addresses Feature (*also updates feature views that are sourced from this service)
-Maine E911 Roads Feature (*also updates feature views that are sourced from this service)
-Maine E911 Addresses, Roads, Structure and PSAP FGDB

The following listed content has been marked "Deprecated" and will be deleted 30 days after this announcement. New access links are provided in parentheses for replacement content where available - if no link is listed, the content will be removed without replacement. Please update your bookmarks and any automated processes accessing the content below.

-Maine_E911_ServiceAreasLaw (new URL:; WFS:

-Maine Boundaries Town and Townships Points (new URL:

-Maine Boundaries Town and Townships Lines (new URL:

-Maine Boundaries Town and Townships Polygon (new URL:

-Maine Boundaries Town and Townships Polygon Dissolved (new URL:

-Maine Boundaries County Lines (new URL:

-Maine Boundaries County Polygon (new URL:

-Maine Boundaries County Polygon Dissolved (new URL:

Please refer to the June and July listserv notifications for layers that are no longer available and update your bookmarks and automated processes accordingly.

The next scheduled maintenance Sunday is August 15, 2021.

Thank you for your support of the Maine GeoLibrary and its projects.


Emily Pettit
GIS Coordinator

Maine Office of GIS
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