

This is being sent to the 4-H Fair, New Haven & Middlesex 4-H Distribution Lists:

Just a reminder that we will be holding the 4-H Fair Association Meeting on Friday, October 15th starting at 6:30 pm at the fairgrounds in Durham, in the building where we hold Home Arts (Durham poultry barn).  We encourage everyone to bring their own chairs, calendars and writing implements.

On the agenda will be election of the 2022 Middlesex & New Haven 4-H Fair Association officers, acceptance of mentors and approving dates for the coming year.  A list of nominees is attached to this email, along with the 4-H volunteers who have agreed to be a mentor and suggested dates.  

4-H members – if your name is not on this list and you are interested in running for office, please plan on coming to the meeting to be nominated from the floor. ALL nominees will be speaking to the group to let us know why they want to hold an office.

Adults – if you would like to help out and are not on our "radar" please let us know - there are always ways to be involved. 


Em and Peggy