

To the UConn Community:

Below are key reminders to commonly asked questions at UConn regarding COVID-19 protocols and procedures.

More details and all of UConn's COVID-19 information can be found on the university's main COVID-19 website.<>


Q: What should employees do if they test positive for COVID-19? What should managers do when notified of a positive case of an individual in their unit?

A: Answers to these and similar questions can be found in the quick reference guides for COVID-19 in the workplace<> on the Environmental Health & Safety website.

Q: Who notifies Human Resources of a COVID-19 positive employee? Who notifies close contacts at work?

A: Employees who test positive should contact the COVID-19 Call Center at UConn Health at 860-679-3199. The call center will notify HR, which will then then notify your manager.

You should also contact your manager, who will need to know when the positive case was diagnosed, when you were last in the workplace, and with whom you were in close contact there. Your manager will then notify employees who were in the workplace with the positive individual and refer them to the UConn Health COVID-19 Call Center for guidance and testing, if warranted.

Q: What should an employee do if a close contact, such as a family member, tests positive for COVID-19?

A: Contact the COVID-19 Call Center at UConn Health at 860-679-3199 (employees may also call their personal healthcare provider).

The call center staff will assist with any other medical concerns and will coordinate with Human Resources about quarantine or isolation. Additionally, employees can contact their local health department for guidance and to facilitate contact tracing.

After speaking with the COVID Call Center, employees should also notify their manager.

Q: What should managers do when notified that an employee has been exposed to COVID-19 and/or is symptomatic?

A: This quick reference guide<> contains information to guide managers on what to do when this occurs.

Q: Are booster shots available on the Storrs campus?

A: Individuals ages 18 and older can sign up through MyChart for a booster at the Brown Building on the Depot Campus. Appointments are limited, and UConn Health will not administer boosters during the week of Dec. 27.

More information on these and other COVID-related topics is available from Human Resources, including detailed FAQs, on its website<>.

We wish you a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season.