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Does anyone have experience using social logins in ArcGIS Online? I'm exploring ways to enable collaboration between students and faculty with community partners with whom they work on various mapping projects. Specifically, I want them to be able to edit shared content.

Apparently, we have the ability to enable social logins both within the ArcGIS Online Organization and inArcGIS Hub Premium community sites. However, I hesitate to allow social logins for the Organization for security and privacy concerns.... So, I set up a Hub Premium community site, which is essentially a mini AGoL organization unto itself, so that this content - and outside users - would remain separate from the main Organization. However, attempting to set this up isn't making much sense to me, and I'm not finding documentation on Esri's site that clears my confusion up. My two main stumbling blocks are:

1) Enabling social logins in the Security settings of the Hub community site enables social logins for the Organization. I cannot enable social logins on the Hub site without enabling them also on the Organization site. Is this the expected behavior?

2) When Organization users log into the Hub community site via the community URL, they are bounced over to the Organization site. I do not see a way to add Organization users to the Hub community. So, I can't seem to set this up so that Organization users and Hub community users can see (and more importantly, edit) the same content - even though, in the Hub community Security settings, I have enabled the option to "Allow users to sign in with their ArcGIS login." (We also have an SAML connector set up so students and faculty who were not previously provided with AGoL logins can login using their campus Single Sign-On credentials without my having to set up new Organization accounts.)

It seems that in order to set this up so that academic and community users can edit shared content, I need to either a) create profiles and/or invite campus users to create separate Hub community profiles using their social logins instead of their being able to use their existing AGoL named user or SSO accounts to access Hub community site content, or b) create profiles and/or invite community partner users to create profiles in the Organization site, and set up groups where they and campus Organization users can edit shared content.

Anyone else struggled with this? What am I not seeing or understanding? Maybe editing shared content is not what Esri had in mind with social logins and/or Hub community sites, so it's just not set up for that. Esri's examples/tutorials seem to limit the role of social login users/Hub community users to filling out surveys and/or "following" initiatives on ArcGIS Hub websites, so maybe I'm just trying to put a square peg in a round hole?

Thanks for any advice or insight.


Neil Curri, GISP
GIS Analyst, PVE, LLC
Vassar College Academic Computing Consultant
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> | 845-437-7708 | 845-664-2100 (mobile)

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