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The NSDI is the national geospatial data framework for a list of the most important national data sets (e.g. orthoimagery and elevation). COGO (Council of Geospatial Organizations) puts out a scorecard on this data set. This year they are trying to get more regional and local coverage. Here is some background about it:


Please fill out the link below if you create or consume data, at the minimum fill out the Universal Questions.

Here is the link to the survey:


Thanks very much for your help – Carl Zimmerman, GIS Coordinator, CT GIS OFFICE


Here is some info about the survey:


“This survey is designed by the Coalition of Geospatial Organizations (COGO) to provide a better understanding of the current state of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). We need your help and expertise, please. Every few years, COGO assesses the status of the NSDI, with the intent of helping the nation move toward a more complete NSDI. The NSDI facilitates seamless data development, information sharing, and collaborative decision making across multiple sectors of the economy. In the past, COGO's assessment has been called the NSDI Report Card. The name has recently been changed to the NSDI Assessment. You can see past versions of the assessment on COGO's website, linked above.

Please review and complete the NSDI Assessment Survey123 link:  You will see questions about each of the 8 NSDI Framework data sets and some Universal questions about the NSDI. At a minimum, please answer the Universal questions. If you have knowledge about any of the Framework data sets, please answer those questions, as well. “


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