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NEARC HUB Workshop
Wednesday, September 20th 12-1:30pm
Virtual: Register now!<>

The latest NEARC lunch and learn is all about ArcGIS Hub, a cloud-based engagement platform that helps organizations share important information and engage meaningfully with stakeholders and community members. Esri staff will give an overview of ArcGIS Hub, discuss setting up a hub website, look at sharing data and content and show how Hub Premium allows community members to be active participants in Hub initiatives.

Do you have a HUB site/project that you'd like to share with the NEARC Community? We want to hear from you!
We are inviting users to submit a 5 minute lightning talk to show off their work during this event.
To submit please complete the NEARC Community Event Interest Form<>.

Register now to get the zoom link<> to join us next week!

Katie Grillo (she/her)| NEARC Immediate Past Chair, on behalf of the NEARC Board of Directors
Brittany Hoffnagle - Chair
Nate Ward - Secretary
Pam DeAndrea - Treasurer
Erica Tefft
Robert Craig
Anita Beinikis
Bill DiLibero - Legal Council

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