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Hi all,


Please join us at the GIS Advisory Council meeting at 1 PM on October 26, 2023. We will be providing an update on the activities of the GIS Office in recent months and having a discussion about the work of some of the Advisory Council working groups.


As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments.


See the agenda below:

  1. Introductions 
  2. Introductory Remarks 
  3. Public Comment 
  4. Meeting Administration 
  5. GISO Priority Topics and Working group updates 
    1. Aerial Imagery 
    2. Parcel Collection and Aggregation 
    3. Broadband Mapping 
    4. Parcel Creation Guidelines 
    5. GIS Clearinghouse 
  6. GIS Strategic Plan 
    1. In this meeting, Carl Zimmerman will provide a short presentation on the five goals and related objectives. A written memo will be sent out to members before the meeting so that they can review the full document and provide comments. 
  7. Addressing and NextGen911 
    1. A presentation of Connecticut’s 9-1-1 addressing activities and how they have helped change the way the 9-1-1 system works. The presentation discusses how the 9-1-1 system uses addressing to map 9-1-1 calls, the types of data involved, including Connecticut’s first statewide address point dataset, and how future statewide addressing activities will make addressing better for all statewide stakeholders. 
  8. Adjourn 


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Alfredo Herrera

Geographic Information Officer

State of Connecticut GIS Office

Data and Policy Analytics Division

Office of Policy and Management

450 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT  06106

Email: [log in to unmask]

Phone: 860-944-9713

Geodata Portal     Open Data Portal

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