

Hi Everyone,


The GIS Day committee has finalized all the details for GIS Day 2023. As mentioned before, the event will take place on November 15th at the UConn Waterbury Campus. All details can be found on the CT GIS Network website


We are asking that everyone pre-register for the event. We are working on solidifying a total for lunch and parking. You can register at this link


Here is a direct LINK to the schedule of events


Special thanks to UConn Waterbury for donating the space, to our Vendors who graciously sponsor the event every year, and to the GIS Day Committee that volunteered their time to organize the event.


Looking forward to celebrating GIS Day with everyone this year,


Aaron Nash, GISP

GIS Project Manager

UCONN Transportation Safety Research Center

270 Middle Turnpike Longley Bldg

Storrs, CT 06269

Phone: 860-486-8997



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