Happy Friday Listserv,


Our team at CTSRC has put together a new spatial view of CT crash data that went public last week. We figured it was time to share with the GIS listserv.


Our new series of GIS dashboards display person level spatial data instead of just crash level data. Our goal is to have 3 spatial views of the data

  1. Crash - https://gis.cti.uconn.edu/portal/apps/experiencebuilder/experience/?id=7c5c94e8c1e54f33b43c00254e46e7fc
  2. Person - https://gis.cti.uconn.edu/portal/apps/experiencebuilder/experience/?id=50a229fb21de4a26bf3a746c493cc010
  3. Vehicle (Coming soon)


We are in the final stages of QA’ing our vehicle level dashboards and hope to have them publicly available by early next year. We are also working on a new set of rest feature services that should be live by the end of the year. This will be one endpoint for all 3 views of the data.


We also have our CT Crash Data Repository if you would like to write your own queries on the CT Crash Data - https://www.ctcrash.uconn.edu/


Aaron Nash, GISP

GIS Project Manager

UCONN Transportation Safety Research Center

270 Middle Turnpike Longley Bldg

Storrs, CT 06269

Phone: 860-486-8997



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