

*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Hi All,

The next meeting of the CT GIS Advisory Council meeting is scheduled for January 25, 2024. Details of the meeting and the link to join can be found here<> (

Please feel free to join in on this public meeting to hear updates on the following topics.

  1.  GISO Priority Topics and Working group updates
     *   2023 Annual Report
     *   Broadband Mapping
     *   GIS Office Stakeholder Outreach Plan
     *   GIS Strategic Plan
     *   Addressing Discussion Follow-up
  2.  Aerial Imagery Update
     *   The data review and acceptance process for imagery, GIS data, and Lidar will continue through the end of the Spring. The first of four blocks of imagery has been reviewed and we are expecting the first block of Lidar and GIS products at the end of the month. Stakeholders are being enlisted to help verify the quality of these geospatial products.
  3.  Parcel Collection and Aggregation
     *   The Parcel Collection and Aggregation process for 2023 is complete. We will introduce the new statewide parcel dataset, viewer, and associated documentation to the advisory council ahead of a wider announcement.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Alfredo Herrera
Geographic Information Officer
State of Connecticut GIS Office<>
Data and Policy Analytics Division<>
Office of Policy and Management
450 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT  06106
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Phone: 860-944-9713
Geodata Portal<>     Open Data Portal<>

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